Title: Princeless: Raven The Pirate Princess # 12
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Writer: Jeremy Whitley
Pencils: Rosy Higgins
Inks: Ted Brandt
Colors: Xenia Pamfil
Letters: Justin Birch
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: Raven and Leilani do have a fight if you can call it that. Raven is so outclassed. Both though are wonderfully illustrated. It is Pirate vs Island Girl.
Leilani comes across as so nice while she is kicking Raven’s butt.
Raven is so outclassed against Leilani but she keeps trying. She is fighting for her friend’s life so we see there is no way she is going to stop. Raven love’s her friend and will not lose her for lack of trying. She will not stay down.
Raven’s caring for her friend gives her the will to get up and fight on. The determination shown here in the writing and art is so emotional. Raven’s honesty is so refreshing.
Raven and Ximena are friends and maybe more if Raven gets her way.
Raven is such a beautiful character. She is so strong. Just when you think you know her she shows she is even better and more wonderful.