RICH REVIEWS: Powers Squared # 24

Title: Powers Squared # 24
Publisher: SRCC Press
Created by: David Hankins, Paul Hankins, Trevor Hankins
Written by: Trevor Hankins
Edited by: Paul Hankins
Pencil, Inks, and Cover by: Julia Canon
Colors by: Julia Canon, Jen Moreno
Lettering by: Trevor Hankins
Price: $ 1.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: The twins Marty and Eli are trying to get back into school. It will be a change from all their adventures.
There is a cute joke about a comic book which is very funny. Other than this there is next to no interaction between the twins.
The school takes a back seat quickly as Eli is attacked by Gashadokuro a Yokai. The skeleton is not drawn with much of a threatening appearance. What a Yokai is unless you have been following this series you will not know. The skeleton’s fight with Eli while it does have them moving around seems more comical than a real battle.
The hands of the characters need fingers. The faces need more detail.
There is not much of a story here. Eli gets into a fight. What was the purpose? To steal his blood. That is the whole storyline of this issue. We never get into the boys adjusting to being back at school.
Marty is not used much at all and Eli is but only in the fight.
It is a great idea to focus an issue on one twin yet in doing so there should be character building. We should learn more about him. Eli using his powers was good to see and he has a good amount of control over them.
The twins do work better together.

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