Title: Powers Squared # 23
Publisher: SRCC Press
Created by: David Hankins, Paul Hankins, Trevor Hankins
Written by: David Hankins and Paul Hankins
Edited by: Paul Hankins
Pencil, Inks, and Cover by: Rachel Wells
Colors by: Julia Canon
Lettering by: Trevor Hankins
Price: $ 1.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.powerssquaredcomicbook.com
Comments: The boy’s parents are visiting. At a party, the parents get to meet Marty and Elis’ girlfriends Mocha and Jenny. There is something off about the parents. The boys notice their watches right away. They work for Dr. Atlas.
The art looks amazing with the teenagers looking just as you would expect and the art has them in teenage situations. The illustrations showing the use of powers are subtle which works so well in this story.
The visiting parents are really grilling the boys about their girlfriends, especially Jenny. Is it Jenny or Mocha they want? They think Jenny has powers but it is Mocha that does.
The parents are shown as uncaring as far as someone with powers goes.
The different colored balloons look great as Marty, Eli, and Mocha can all read each other’s projected thoughts.
The twins with Mocha pull off a daring rescue that does have a nice little build-up of suspense. Then things get exciting. So it is the parents vs the sons and girlfriends with Dr. Atlas and his assistant trying to control everything. As you entire the lives of Marty and Eli you will realize that you are on one wonderful adventure.