RICH REVIEWS: Powers Squared # 17

Title: Powers Squared # 17
Publisher: SRCC Press
Created by: David Hankins, Paul Hankins, Trevor Hankins
Written by: David Hankins and Paul Hankins
Edited by: Paul Hankins
Pencil, Inks, and Cover by: Rachel Wells
Colors by: Julia Canon
Lettering by: Trevor Hankins
Price: $ 1.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: Billy a young boy sees a raven injured and decides to nurse it back to health. You can tell this three-legged raven is no ordinary raven. The raven is grateful and so Billy can now do extraordinary things.
Raven knows when Billy is in danger. She wants to protect him and she can. Billy does care about his mother and Raven can not protect them both.
Dr. Atlas is shown as an evil man. He is the enemy of both Raven and Mocha. Raven does hate Mocha and wants her revenge on her and rightly so. Mocha though will do whatever she can to protect the twins, Marty and Eli.
Other than a little roughhousing between Billy and Marty and Eli there is little action. The twins do not use their abilities at all.
The art portrays all the people just how you would expect them to look. Marty and Eli as two typical teens, Billy is a touch teen, Mocha is caring, Raven is seductive, and Dr. Atlas is evil and as a man who never gives up.
With Billy now a teen and working with Raven, Mocha and the twins have met their match. The magic from Mocha and Raven is in the air and these two are at ends with each other. Yet it is Dr. Atlas who is in control.
Things are leading to a confrontation with Dr. Atlas.

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