RICH REVIEWS: Powers In Action # 1

Title: Powers In Action # 1
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Writer/Artist/Cover: Art Baltazar
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: This is a younger audience comic which you can tell from both the art and writing. Lynx and Ocelot have a fun cute way of interacting. The first villain they face is the Snowshoe Rabbit.
The art style is simple with a fun look to it. Snowshoe Rabbit for such a lame villain puts up out a hell of a fight.
When the super-heroes meet they have the obligatory fight. It is over very quickly. The Hero Squadron is a cute group of heroes. Young kids will enjoy this.
The fighting is pretty tame.
The issue is done like a regular comic just tame and cute. The leader of the Hero Squadron will remind you of another certain two super-heroes who are also rich.
Any super-hero loving kid is sure to have fun with this.

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