Title: Polybius Dreams: Chapter One
Publisher: Hypnotic Dog Comics
Written by: Ben Grisanti
Illustrated by: Keith Grachow
Colors by: Ester Salguero
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.polybiusdreams.com,
Comments: Polybius a new arcade game is delivered to J & J’s Arcade Games. Only trouble is it does not work.
Pat, Paul and Mike are all buddies and they do get bullied but they hang out at the arcade to relax and have fun.
The art is fine and it shows the people as normal. Normal body types are drawn here.
The game Polybius starts working and you can see trouble brewing. Something is different about this game. The three boys finally get to play Polybius. Later is when the weird things start. There is a lot going on that we have no idea about. The mystery will make you come back for more.
This issue will peak your interest and it builds suspense. These three boys have no idea what they have gotten themselves into nor does anyone who plays Polybius.