RICH REVIEWS: Planet of the Apes/Green Lantern # 6

Title: Planet of the Apes/Green Lantern # 6
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Story: Robbie Thompson
Writer: Justin Jordan
Artist: Barnaby Bagenda
Colors: Alex Guimaraes
Letters: Ed Dukeshire
Cover: Dan Mora
Variant Covers: Paul Rivoche, Oliver Barrett with design by Scott Newman, Felipe Massafera, David Ryan Robinson with character portraits by Rod Reis
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: Well all the Lanterns are in a huge battle. Lots of aliens, humans, and apes. It is an all out war.
The Universal Ring is more powerful than all the others. Hal and Sinestro must work together to stop a power-mad ape.
The ending to this limited series leaves you hanging in more than one way. Lots of loose ends leave you feeling unsatisfied with how things end.
Cornelius does make a great Green Lantern he is willing to fight and die if necessary. He puts everything he has into it.
Having Hal and Sinestro working together is something you rarely see. Apes, Aliens, and humans all work together towards one goal. It is great though to see humans put in their place especially one.

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