RICH REVIEWS: Planet of the Apes/Green Lantern # 5

Title: Planet of the Apes/Green Lantern # 5
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Story: Robbie Thompson
Writer: Justin Jordan
Artist: Barnaby Bagenda
Colors: Alex Guimaraes
Letters: Ed Dukeshire
Cover: Dan Mora
Variant Covers: Julian Totino Tededsco, Paul Rivoche, Felipe Massafera, David Ryan Robinson with character portraits by Rod Reis
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Comments: Grodd wants them all to kneel to him, both humans and apes. Green and Red Lanterns are in one big battle. Hal, John, Guy are armed with rings and so are many apes.
Cornelius makes a fairly good Green Lantern.
There is fighting and action but it seems subdued. It happens but lacks emotion.
The entire comic is done in a low key way. The art looks good but it has nothing about it that stands out.
Sinestro makes a brief appearance and he is the hi-lite of the issue. Is he better than having Grodd in control? Who will get the ring that controls the other rings?
Hal and the other Green Lanterns are there but they all seem defeated in their attitudes. Sinestro is the only Lantern who comes across with attitude.

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