Title: Planet of Daemons # 3
Publisher: Amigo Comics
Written by: Kevin Gunstone
Art by: Paul Moore
Color by: Stefan Mrkonjic
Cover by: Paul Moore & Stefan Mrkonjic
Lettering by: Malaka Studio
Planet of Daemons Created by: Kevin Gunstone and Paul Moore
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.amigocomics.com
Comments: This story takes place during the witch trials. You do not want to be accused of witchcraft here.
In Sathariel, the World of Hidden Secrets we see a dark place with daemons roaming free. Amos Deathridge, a naked girl Heinous and a daemon Salis travel together throw this cursed land. Why?
The art as the comic goes on deteriorates, the people becoming little more than smudges in some of the panels.
The daemons are illustrated in a variety of kinds. Each one being unique.
The witch hunter is having troubles of his own with his family and Nehema the Succubus Queen. He is sure of himself but unsure of others. Nehema now is colored nicely and drawn with a sexual terror to her.
There is one gorgeously drawn pin-up page of Amos Deathridge by Slobodan Jovanovic. It is worth picking up this comic just to see this.