Title: Peanuts Volume Nine
Publisher: KaBOOM!
Cover: Art by Charles M. Schultz/Color & Design by Nomi Kane
Writers: various
Artists: various
Price: $ 13.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.boom-studios.com
Comments: “Classic Peanuts Strips” by Charles M. Schulz, Colors by Justin Thompson & Katharine Efird.
The classics are classic and they are still the best. A touch of humor with wonderful characters.
“The Perfect Pelican” Story by Charles M. Schulz, Adapted by Jason Cooper, Pencils by Vicki Scott, Inks by Alexis E. Fajardo, Colors by Nina Taylor Kester, and Letters by Donna Almendrala.
Peppermint Patti has plans for Charlie Brown and he is so excited well up to the point he finds out exactly what those plans are. Chuck now finally gets onboard with what is happening and for once Chuck ends up smiling and happy and it is a wonderful sight to see.
“Sewer or Later You’ll Love Me” Story by Charles M. Schulz, Adapted by Jason Cooper, Pencils by Vicki Scott, Inks by Paige Braddock, and Colors & Letters by Katharine Efird.
It is amazing the lengths a person will go to threaten or protect a piano. Lucy tries so hard to be loved and the boy of her affections tries so hard to ignore her. Are they ever going to be together? They are fun to watch in this relationship.
“Love & Marci” Story by Charles M. Schulz, Adapted by Jason Cooper, Art by Scott Jeralds, Colors by Katharine Efird, and Letters by Donna Almendrala.
Marci is having a bad few days. She just wants an answer or does she want more? Does she know what she wants? Knowing though does not get it for her. Love for kids can be just as hard as for adults.
“Thompson Trouble” Story by Charles M. Schulz, and Art & Letters by Donna Almendrala.
Snoopy does race off to help Thompson. Snoopy is illustrated perfectly as he is meant to be.
“Go for the Gold” Story by Charles M. Schulz, Adapted by Jason Cooper, Pencils by Vicki Scott, Inks by Paige Braddock, Colors by Katharine Efird, and Letters by Donna Almendrala.
Peppermint Patti gets frustrated and then she gets accused. Poor girl and then we see her plan go into action. She actually does know what she’s doing. Peppermint Patti is a great character.
“Les Legionnaires” Story by Charles M. Schulz, Adapted by Jason Cooper, Pencils by Vicki Scott, Inks by Alexis E. Fajardo, Colors by Nina Taylor Kester, and Letters by Nomi Kane.
Snoopy has the most amazing adventures. Are they real or all in his head? Either way, they provide us with fun-filled entertainment. The art is truly a work of art.
“The Hedge Toad” Story by Charles M. Schulz, Art & Letters by Donna Almendrala, and Colors by Whitney Cogar.
Snoopy along with a few others has an adventure in a tree.
Charlie Brown and Snoopy are so beloved by so many. They are classic characters along with all their friends. You will always have a great time reading their stories.