Title: Over The Ropes, Vol. 1
Publisher: Mad Cave Studios
Writer: Jay Sandlin
Artist: Antonello Cosentino
Colorist: Francesco Segala
Letterer: Justin Birch
Price: $ 14.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.madcavestudios.com
Comments: This collects issues one through five.
A wrestler Jason Lynn aka Phoenix is out on a date. The date gets cut short. We do learn that some wrestlers are jerks. Jason in his career has been having problems. The Southern Fried Wrestling is run by Ramblin’ Ricky Radison and he is the Champion. Phoenix is given a shot at the title in a roundabout way and he changes things so it is a straight-up shot. Phoenix knows what he wants and when he gets a shot at it he goes all out and grabs the gold.
Phoenix has a bounty on him as Ricky Radison wants revenge on him for taking the Championship Belt. Jessie Presley is coming to collect that bounty. Phoenix against Jessie Presley the Elvis Presley wannabe. This is a well-drawn hard-hitting match. Phoenix though rises as his chant I will rise! is heard.
Phoenix finds himself in a six-man tag team match winner gets the Heavy Weight Championship Belt. This is one hard-hitting match. When you think it’s over it’s not. Things take a totally unexpected turn here and yes a new Champion is crowned.
There is lots of drama outside the ringed circle. Lots inside it too. Ramblin’ Ricky Radison and Roll Tide Billy Radison are two scum bags.
Phoenix never gives up. He does rise to the challenge. It is a cage match for the Heavy Weight Belt. The art showcases all of the in-ring action beautifully.
This graphic novel presents 1990’s style wrestling as it was and is a thrilling drama-packed story with gorgeous in-ring wrestling moves. If you are a fan of wrestling rivalries and all-out wrestling action this is for you.