RICH REVIEWS: Once Upon a Time at the End of the World # 11

Title: Once Upon a Time at the End of the World # 11
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Written by: Jason Aaron
Illustrated by: Nick Dragotta, Alexandre Tefenkgi, Leila Del Duca
Colored by: Rico Renzi, Lee Loughridge, Tamra Bonvillian
Lettered by: AndWorld Design
Main Cover by: Ariel Olivetti
Variant Covers by: Ariel Olivetti, Nick Dragotta with Colors by Rico Renzi, Jenny Frison, Alexandre Tefenkgi with Colors by Lee Loughridge
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: Maceo is now one tough old man. He has matured and hardened. The art wonderfully brings across this future wasteland setting and the people who live in it.
Both Macceo and Mezzy both were devastated when they were separated and both have lived out their lives separately. Now though they saw each other.
Maceo is thinking of running away.
Mother Mezzy when you see her the art perfectly shows her personality. Mezzy is so tough and no-nonsense. She attacks without a word and instills fear. Mezzy still loves Maceo and will do whatever it takes to protect him.
Mezzy shows her current friends she is as tough as always. From her actions, it is easy to see that she still loves Maceo.
Mezzy and Maceo now must face a horde of Ravengers to save Golgonooza from them. Yes, the two created  Golgonooza so they are responsible. They both know their duties and will die to do the right thing.
The creatures humans mutated and animals are perfectly done to match the setting and to interact with Mezzy and Maceo. These two are so meant to be together.

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