Title: Old Ones Rising (TPB)
Publisher: Arc Dream Publishing
Writers: Richard Becker, Monte Cook, Adam Gauntlett, Nick Grant, Dan Harms, Pat Harrigan, James Haughton, George Holochwost, Shane Ivey, Matthew Pook, Brian Sammons, C.A. Suleiman and John Scott Tynes, Brennan Bishop, Monte Cook, Bobby Derie, David Jacobs, Jeffrey Moeller, Matthew Pook, Oscar Rios, Brian Sammons, Greg Stolze and Graham Walmsley. Dion Clark, Adam Gauntlett, Adam Scott Glancy, Dave Hardy, Dan Harms, James Haughton, Bret Kramer, Jeffrey Moeller, Richard A. Becker, Chase Beck, Adam Scott Glancy, Bret Kramer, Jason Morningstar, Chris Huth
Illustrators: Toren Atkinson, Dennis Detwiller, Robert E. Mansperger Jr., Bradley McDevitt, Vicente Sivera Catalá, Jason Morningstar, Brennen Reece and Todd Shearer.
Price: $ 39.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.theunspeableoath.com
Comments: This book contains issues 18 to 21 of The Unspeakable Oath magazine. It is about Cthulhu Mythos role-playing games.
Issue 18: The short stories all have to do with role playing games and are of a mystic nature. Unless you are a gamer and or interested in Egyptian and Greek mythology this will drag on.
There are lots of books recommended for reading. The Cthulhu Mythos is part of them.
The writings are accompanied by some mood setting drawings. One drawing is of a beautiful tiger. There are some scary pieces as well.
There are a ton of ads to advertise lots of books that you can buy.
The writers do bring out some thoughts of terror.
Issue 19: More about Cthulhu and role playing games. You are given lots of write ups about playing.
There are stories which lead into role playing games. They will peak your interest but the story changes to the game which loses the intensity of the story.
There are recommendations as to which role playing books are good or not. The art on some of the covers looks gorgeous.
Issue 20: More and more articles about role playing games to do with Cthulhu and Delta Green. They do are well written but unless you are into role playing games they do start to drag on.
Issue 21: There are lots of well written descriptions to get you ready to play the role playing games mentioned here.
If you are a role playing gamer you are going to love this and get so much enjoyment out of it. If your not your going to be bored. It is easy to follow along whether your a gamer or not. The book does include some great art.