Title: Oddball “A Sarah’s Scribbles” collection
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
Written and Illustrated by: Sarah Andersen
Price: $ 14.99 US, $ 19.99 Can
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.andrewsmcmeel.com
Comments: This book presents two to six-panel little cartoons. The author is featured in them. It seems unclear what genre this book is. If it is a funny book it is missing the mark.
The art is black and white done in a simple style.
Sarah does deliver weird little stories that make no sense. Some of the skits are cute looking and seem to attempt to be humorous they just do not quite make it.
Sarah does have a cat and likes frogs. She has a dog as well. Now the differences between dogs and cats are shown.
The more you continue on through this book the more the humor of it starts to seep into you. Sarah is an oddball for sure. She is a strange girl.
The art flows along smoothly with the writing easy to read. The art is easy on the eyes and the short skits do have some cute moments.
Basically, this book is about how the author has the ability to look at life. It is amusing.