RICH REVIEWS: Nottingham # 7

Title: Nottingham # 7
Publisher: Mad Cave Studios
Writer: David Hazan
Artist: Shane Connery Volk
Colorist: Luca Romano
Letterer: Justin Birch
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: The Sheiff and Hood are both off to France on a ship to rescue King Richard. This ship is a playground for untrust.
Lady Marian is one bloodthirsty woman. The art fully brings this fact across. Marian gets some allies in the Merry Men while Hood is away. Marian has a pretty face but her heart, her heart is black as the pit she is one evil creature.
The Sheriff does go all out to uncover the killer aboard ship. This leads to a brutal battle involving the Sheriff. Blood is drawn. The Sheriff is drawn as a dark flowing character whom you would expect to be a bad character yet here he is on the side of good. His methods are harsh though which fits in perfectly with this series and its atmosphere.
A Saracen Aya is found onboard. She just wants to go home. She is sure to add some excitement to the voyage.
This take on Robin Hood is way different then anything you have ever read.

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