Notice Me. Sempai Batman!
Produced by: Sine Timore Animation Studios
Created, produced, written, directed, voiced, etc. by: Peter G
Music courtesy of the: Opuzz Music Library
Run Time: 5 min 45 sec
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: This is episode 1. This short video explores “The Killing Joke” animated movie and how Batgirl is different than usual in it.
Barbara Gordon is shown in an anime style. She speaks Japanese, why? Is it to make fun of anime? The video is subtitled in English and the Japanese speaking does add a certain amount of fun.
The video has Batgirl in love with Sempai Batman. She does things she should not, to get his attention. So Batgirl in this video only dons the costume to impress Sempai Batman. The whole thing is presented in a fun silly way. It is entertaining. It might even make you smile or laugh.
Batgirl is animated as such a cute character.
The music fits the video and adds a cute touch to it as well.