Title: Northstars # 1
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Story & Flatting: Jim & Haigen Shelley
Art, Colors & Letters: Anna Liisa Jones
Price: $ 2.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: At the North Pole exists the land called Polaris. Now there exists in Polaris the town of Snowville where yes you guested it Santa lives.
Santa’s daughter Holly is a cute girl. Frostina is a Yeti Princess and she is furry. These two girls hit it off from the get go. Than we are given a tour of Santa’s workshop and home.
The positive attitude of Holly is infectous. A troll shows up and Holly is all ready to help. She does not care what is wrong he needs help and thats enough. Its a beautiful attitude to have and so rarely seen.
The little coal car between the panels as the three characters go on a coal car ride is a nice touch.
The villain of the story is the evil Krumpus and his Straw Lads.
The story and art are both for a younger audience. Any one though can and will enjoy this. It is the start of a fun exciting adventure. One that will fill you with the Christmas spirit and plenty of joy.