Title: Niobe: She is Life # 4
Publisher: Stranger Comics
Writers: Amandla Stenberg & Sebastian A. Jones
Artist: Ashley A. Woods
Layouts: Darrell May
Lettering, Production & Design: A Larger World Studios
Based on the world of Asunda created by: Sebastian A. Jones
Cover: Ashley A. Woods
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: out of 5 stars
Website: www.strangercomics.com
Comments: Beings attack Niobe and her friends. She is told to leave. Well we see how good she listens as she is drawn beautifully leaping to attack. She is illustrated as a cute girl of action.
The story line is not explained. What is going on and who are these people and why should we care?
Niobe is joined here by a group of other females. They do seem like an interesting bunch but we learn next to nothing about them and they are only in a short time.
The full page pin-up style illustration of Niobe is breathtaking.