Title: Nikolai # 2
Publisher: Inverse Press
Writer: John E. Crowther
Artist/Cover: Dell Barras
Colorist: Andrew Pate
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.inversepress.com , www.squaredcirclecomics.com
Comments: Nikolai comes to Canada. In Calgary, Canada Nikolai joined Stu Hart and was trained in the Dungeon. The Dungeon was the place to train to become a professional wrestler.
The art is rough. More detail is needed. The muscles are drawn well.
Nikolai, as he enters professional wrestling, is an instant hit. He is big and talented. Vince McMahon recruits Nikolai himself into the WWWF later to become WWE.
This is the true life story of Nikolai Volkoff and his rise to stardom. He pushes himself to succeed. You can almost feel the hard work he puts into his success.
Nikolai may be a villain as a wrestler but in real life, he is a great man.