Title: Nexus Scourge # 2
Publisher: Alien Books
Created by: Mike Baron and Steve Rude
Story by: Mike Baron
Illustrated by: Kelsey Shannon
Letters by: Warren Montgomery
Covers by: Kelsey Shannon and Jerry Bingham
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.alienbooks.com
Comments: Here the threat to the universe is explained. The Krug was once just a man. He decided he liked killing others. The more he killed the more he evolved and grew in power.
Nexus needs help against Krug and turns to his enemy Gourmando. Nexus stands his ground as the Krug attacks the innocent. He invites the Krug in for a drink. This is unexpected.
Somehow golf is involved in the plan to beat the Krug. Sometimes the solution to a big problem is a small thing. The way Nexus handles things in such a calm cool way is amazing. He faces a threat of cosmic proportions without breaking a sweat. Nexus goes into this battle with no way to stop this threat yet he is confident. He knows he will triumph because he has to.
The things that happen after the adventure are just as fun if not more so. The supporting characters are always wonderful to see and such diversity.
The art does bring each character and their differences to life. Nexus is illustrated as a hero and as a man. Horatio aka Nexus does what he does simply because it is the right thing to do.