Title: Neon Future # 1
Publisher: Impact Theory
Produced by: Tom Bilyeu, Steve Aoki, Matt Colon
Script by: Jim Krueger, Tom Bilyeu
Story by: Jim Krueger, Tom Bilyeu, Steve Aoki, Matt Colon, Samantha Levenshus, Dana Brawer
Artists: Neil Edwards, Jheremy Raapack
Inker: Keith Champagne
Colorist: Abraham Lee
Letterer: Clem Robins
Covers: Jheremy Raapack, Neil Edwards, Kim Jung Gi, Mau Lencinas
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: comics.impacttheory.com/
Comments: The introduction gives you an idea about how this futuristic world is run.
Clay Campbell is dead and the leader of Neon Future Kita Sovee has him. Clay is set free and is going home but it is not that easy now. He has been augmented so he now has tech in him. He was an analog a person with no tech. So now he has a whole world of trouble that has opened up for him.
Clay finds his augmentation is more than just metal in him. Clay finds out his world has forever changed. Plus how he views that the world may have as well.
This is a futuristic sci-fi story that has a world torn between nontech and tech and how it affects those living in this world.
The art presents the story in a realistic way and illustrates
The characters presented are all interesting, other than Clay though you do not learn all that much about them. Kita it would be great to learn more about maybe in future issues we will. He shows a lot of promise as a character of interest.
The comic is sci-fi yet done in a way that has you believing maybe just maybe it could really happen someday. It could become all too real.