RICH REVIEWS: Necropolitan # 1

Title: Necropolitan # 1
Publisher: Martian Lit
Writing: Mike Philips and Julian Darius
Art, Letters and Colors: Steven Legge
Colors: Donovan Yaciuk
Cover Art: Steven Legge
Necropolitan Created by: Mike Philips, Julian Darius, and Steven Legge
Price: $ 2.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: “Birth Day” Countess Elizabeth Bathory and Jack the Ripper they find the Craigslist Killer and things turn bloody. Well, the way things go is strange. But for where they are that is to be expected.
Hell is a very modern looking place. Well, some parts are. Some parts are just not at all what you would expect.
There is T&A nudity here and sexual situations so this is a mature title. Rape is a normal thing here.
Well, the Craigslist Killer does seem like a decent guy. So do some of the others in Hell until you take a closer look. The Craigslist Killer though finds he is right where he wants to be. In his heart, he still holds onto love.
The art does portray the characters as you would imagine them to look. Jack the Ripper especially is drawn with an evil presence. Jack has a truly evil heart.
Necropolitan Toy Ad This ad is cute as it has real killer action figures for sale of real killers. These might actually sell if the ad was real.

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