Title: Nature’s Labyrinth # 1
Publisher: Mad Cove Comics
Writer: Zac Thompson
Artist: Bayleigh Underwood
Colorist: Warnia Sahadewa
Letters: RVS Wooton
Cover Artist: Filya Bratukhin with Colors by Jason Wordie
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.madcavecomics.com
Comments: Eight people of various ethnicities have won a free cruise. Two hundred and thirty did but only eight showed up. Why? The cruise is luxurious and the guests take full advantage of it. Well as can be expected things take a turn into something different.
Our eight people find themselves on an Island. They have to escape by staying alive for 60 hours. Jane is the person most likely to survive as it appears she knows a lot more than the others. She also looks very masculine.
The Maze of Death is an adventure you do not want to go through but here you have no choice. A lot is happening and the plot is simple yet the reason behind it is not yet been revealed. The characters are varied and all offer some entertainment factor. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
The ones behind the kidnapping are being secretive and no purpose is given. We see they do have technology and weapons so they have money.
The one poor Canadian guy finds out the hard way why you should not try to just drop the kidnaper’s stuff and flee.