RICH REVIEWS: Myopia # 2

Title: Myopia # 2
Publisher: Dynamite
Writer: Richard Dent
Artist: Patrick Berkenkotter & Ronilson Freire
Colorist: Vinicius Andrade
Letterer: Taylor Esposito
Cover Artist: Patrick Berkenkotter & Mohan
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: The art is beautifully done and the characters are well drawn with solid lines and good detail. Wonderful use of colors and shading.
We meet several people involved with the lens. Molly and James hit it off for reasons that are obvious as you read this comic. The two do seem like a good match.
Something is going on. People are looking into it and they want answers. The mystery is intriguing.
James and Matthew Molly’s son have some tings in common. This relationship starts to make the story much more interesting as it hints at things to come.
There is something going on with certain lens. Matthew somehow plays a major role in whatever is going on. What is going on? Mysteries are great but you need at least a hint of what is going on.
The characters are ones you can identify with and this issue you begin to like them. The mysteries do start to draw you in.

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