Title: Murciélaga/She-Bat # 16
Publisher: Heroic Publishing
Writer: Martin Powell
Penciler: Statema
Inkers: Statema, Dan Schaefer
Color: Albert Deschesne and Grafimated
Letters: Vickie Williams
Price: $ 4.99 US, $ 5.75 Can
Rating: out of 5 stars
Website: www.heroicpublishing.com
Website: www.heroicpublishing.com
Comments: The art style is soft and it shows off the characters nicely. Murcielaga is a dark beauty.
Growing up Mega Vergas aka Murciélaga had trouble in school because of her acute hearing. Her and her new friend found a way to strike back and strike back hard.
This issue does fill you in on Murciélaga’s background some and has a few short fights. The fights could have been better illustrated. The background material is great.
“Black” Writer Vanessa-Leigh Kirby, artist David Mack, letterer Vickie Williams and colorist/editor Daerick Gross. Ethereal Black stars in this back up story. Ethereal Black encounters one of the Champions and after a brief fight they go about their lives knowing each is one of the good guys. Ethereal Black though saw a ring while out. What is it? It will peak your interest.