Title: Monsters Among Us (TP)
Publisher: Tidelwave Comics
Writer: Andrew Shayde
Penciler: Levy Zimer
Inks: Silvio Spotti
Colors: Flavio B. Silva
Editor: Darren G. Davis
Price: $ 19.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.stormfrontpublishing.com
Comments: This book collects the first four issues.
Bigfoot is not what you expect. He is determined though in escaping and does break free. He is illustrated with a human face and a big fur covered body with lots of muscles.
Bigfoot escapes along with four other creatures of the night. Bigfoot and The Witch, Chupacabra, The Mothman and The Lizard are now free.
We get a brief update on who all these creatures are. This is well done and gives you a good idea who is who.
The Chupacabra is a cute scary little creature with gorgeous coloring. He looks fun.
The leader of the monster hunters may surprise you. He is as famous as the creatures he hunts.
This comic shows us that monsters do not have to look like monsters and some that do look like monsters are not.
This is a great start to what looks to be a great series about monsters that are not monsters.
The monsters want to stop the monster hunter. He had them imprisoned until they escaped. Now the five of them plan to attack him.
Zaya the fire witch calls her sisters to her to help her. To take down Solomon Kane they will be needed.
It is a battle royal as monsters fight monster hunters. The bodies do fall.
Zaya makes a discovery and we see why she is considered a monster. The other monsters are not so bad but Zaya really is one.
Solomon Kane is set to kill these monsters. They want to just stop him. Zaya though wants more she wants him dead and may just get her wish.
If you love a variety of monsters this is for you.
Zaya and Aura are two witches, Bigfoot, The Lizardman, Mothman and The Chupacabra make up this group of monsters. We get a brief look at each one and what their thoughts which are varied a lot.
Zaya and Aura end up in a fight to the death. Zaya wants all the power of the four elements for herself. The two page spread here as they face each other and let loose with their powers is an amazing pose. A bit more detail on the faces would be nice but otherwise its perfect.
The Chupacabra is illustrated as a cute creature that looks so weird.
Zaya and Soloman Kane get into a battle with deadly consequences.
Aura, Bigfoot, The Lizardman, Mothman and The Chupacabra storm Solomon’s fortress. Here we see the monsters are not always those who look like monsters.
The monsters are attacking Solomon’s fortress and his men. They do accomplish one thing in freeing the others held prisoner. This Solomon is the real monster.
The far away shots are unfocused. The close ups of the monsters are amazing. The colors are perfect and the details astonishing. The art really brings these monsters to life. Plus you get to see so many monsters not just the main ones. The ones imprisoned provide a variety that is not usually seen in one comic.
Monsters come in all shapes and sizes and they may even be among you.