Title: Monsterella # 2
Publisher: Hangman Comics
Art: various
Story: various
Cover Art by: John Gallagher
Price: $ 5.00 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Websites: www.hangmancomics.com www.nevsart.blogspot.com
Comments: “Monsterella: Into the Belly of the Beast” Art & story by Nevin Arnold.
Monsterella wants to take back her prison. She finds many beings in her way but she does keep going. The art does show Mosterella as a tough woman.
“The Last Woman on Earth” Art by Lawrence Denvir and story/letters by Matt Smith.
Monsterella is the narrator of this tale. What is worse being alone or being something you are not? Both are hard but being alone you can still be true to yourself. The way Monsterella appears in this tale is an unexpected touch.
“Monsterella Centerfold” Art by Nevin Arnold. Monsterella stands ready for battle against one monstrous creature of doom. This creature is a nightmare come to life. Monsterella does have her little sidekick ready to help too. He is a weird looking thing.
“Graelin: The Devil’s Due” Art & story by Dan MacKinnon.
An elf meets a troll and this troll follows his nature. The elf is smart or lucky and she deals with him in a nice smooth manner. She leaves the troll paying his toll.
“Dreams of Monsterella” Art & story by Matt Smith.
This is a really short story and over before you know it. The art is simple no frills. The story there is next to nothing to it.
“The Book of Emma: Chapter 1” Art & story by Julien Pilon.
Emma is walking home one night. Emma is followed and what happens next is exciting and will get your blood pumping. The looks gorgeous on Emma and on the creature it seems lacking as it is not scary at all.
The back is filled with wonderfully illustrated wanted posters of Kickstarter backers.
Monsterella is the face of exciting challenges.