Title: Miraculous # 8
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Created by: Thomas Astrac
Comics Adoptation by: Nicole D’Andria
Written by: Sebastien Thibaudeau & Pascal Boutboul
Art Arranged by: Cheryl Black
Lettered by: Justin Birch
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.actionlabcomics.com
Comments: Marinette is a cute young girl that is shown nervous around one boy Adrien. She has the biggest crush on him.
The situation is funny in that Ladybug and at Noir aka Marinette and Adrien each like the other but one as super-heroes and one as normal people but not vice versa.
The villain this issue is Copycat who can make himself look like Cat Noir.
The expressions on Ladybug’s face are priceless. Her lips are gorgeous and her eyes so blue. Cat Noir has big green eyes they look amazing.
Ladybug’s Lucky Charm yoyo is one super weapon as it transforms into whatever object she needs to win the fight.
Ladybug is illustrated in some great poses showing her in action.
Marinette’s personal life gets a boost to. She may be a super-hero but she is still a girl with a crush. This comic presents both sides of her personality so wonderfully.
Ladybug is a character you will fall in love with.