RICH REVIEWS: Miraculous # 13

Title: Miraculous # 13
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Created by: Thomas Astruc
Comics Adoptation by: Nicole D’Andria
Written by: Michael Choquet & Leonie de Rudder
Art Arranged by: Cheryl Black
Lettered by: Justin Birch
Price: $ 4.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: “Princess Fragrance”
Aw poor Tiki is feeling sick. He is a magical being but so small and cute that you feel sorry for him right away.
Chloe is being extra mean this issue. She stomps on one of her classmates Rose’s heart. Hawk Moth seduces people with promises of whatever they desire most. It twists them when they accept and a part of them becomes evil as they transform.
Rose becomes Princess Fragrance now she has a beautifully designed costume.
As Cat Noir changes it is an exciting thing to behold. The green and black colors go so well together. You know even without him saying it it is Claws Out! time. This goes even more so for Marinette as she utters the words Spots On! Red with black spots never looked so good as in the drawings of Ladybug.
The close ups of Ladybug’s face are amazing to see, the detail and the simplistic look to it just makes it pop out at you.
Ladybug battling Princes Perfume is done as a fight but it is not overly violent. It is suitable for any age.
Well we are given what we expected a happy ending and with a touch of romance.
Ladybug is a hero that we all can identify with.

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