Title: Mighty Mouse # 4
Publisher: Dynamite
Written by: Sholly Fisch
Art by: Igor Lima
Color by: Mohan
Letters by: Tom Napolitano
Cover A by: Igor Lima and Pete Pantazis
Cover B by: Vale Stewart
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.dynamite.com
Comments: The city is under attack by aliens from the cartoon dimension. Its Mighty Mouse to the rescue. Here he comics to save the day! Mighty Mouse takes on the alien cats. He may get knocked down but he gets right back up.
It is strange seeing cartoons and real life people interacting. They do not belong in the same world.
The poses Mighty Mouse is drawn in seem off. The body parts are not quite positioned right.
Joey comes up with a way to fight these alien cats from another dimension. Joey and the other humans are all drawn with expressive faces. They do have a realistic look to them.
Mighty Mouse does look and act heroic. He is a mouse out of his world but he is still Mighty Mouse.