Title: Mighty Mouse # 3
Publisher: Dynamite
Written by: Sholly Fisch
Art by: Igor Lima
Color by: Mohan
Letters by: Tom Napolitano
Cover A by: Igor Lima and Pete Pantazis
Cover B by: J. Bone
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.dynamite.com
Comments: Joey and Mighty Mouse now have to try to solve the problem of getting Mighty Mouse back home.
At school, Joey is cornered by some bullies. Now you just know what is going to happen, you can feel it coming. The tension builds fast. Things happen that should not be possible but with Mighty Mouse around to Save The Day! strange things can and do occur.
Joey and Mighty Mouse keep trying to get him home. Well, Joey does use his imagination and it almost works. Alien cats invade Earth and guess who will have to Save The Day!
Every time Mighty Mouse gets to fly into action you can feel the rush. If you loved the original cartoons you are going to be in heaven reading these comics. Mighty Mouse was and still is a great character. You will thrill to these new adventures.