RICH REVIEWS: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Pink # 4

mmpr-pink-004-a-mainTitle: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Pink # 4
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Story by: Brenden Fletcher & Kelly Thompson
Script by: Tini Howard
Illustrated by: Danielle Di Nicuolo
Colors by: Sarah Stern
Letters by: Ed Dukeshire
Cover by: Elsa Charretier with Colors by Hi-Fi
Variant Covers by: Nick Sumida, Joelle Jones with Colors by Walter Baiamonte
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Comments: Kimberly and Goldar must team-up against Verto. Tini and Zack the Yellow and Black Rangers are fighting on her side. Goldar does not stay in the team-up for long. He is a warrior and prefers to destroy while Kimberly prefers to help.
Goldar and Verto get into a battle.
There is some fighting but not enough. The art is ok and that’s about it.
Kimberly is the best part but she is not used to full effect. Yes she is the leader of these new half powered Rangers but we need more out of her.
Verto and the other fish people now they are illustrated quite well.

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