RICH REVIEWS: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers # 18

Title: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers # 18
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Written by: Kyle Higgins
Illustrated by: Hendry Prasetya with Assistance by Daniel Batliss
Colors by: Matt Herms, Joana LaFuente with Matt Herms
Letters by: Ed Dukeshire
The Ongoing Misdventures of Squatt & Baboo:
Written by: Ryan Ferrier
Illustrated by: Bachan
Colors by: Triona Farrell
Letters by: Jim Campbell
Cover by: Jamal Campbell
Connecting Variant Cover by: Steve Morris
Versus Variant Cover by: Dan Mora
Morpher Variant Cover by: Miguel Mercado
Action Figure Variant Cover by: Haskell Mackowski with packaging design by David Ryan Robinson
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: The Power Rangers go to Romania where Finster has set up shop.
The Power Rangers find Finster and what he has created. So its time for the Power Blaster. This thing is amazing as it comes together and fires. Finster has created some interesting play things for the Rangers. He does manage to cause lots of trouble all on his own.
The Power Rangers are offered a partnership to work with Grace how has tons of resources that would come in handy. But no they are independent. Or are they?
Finster is one sneaky creature. It is good to see him featured as the main villain of this issue.
“The Ongoing Misadventures of Squatt & Baboo” Here Squatt and Baboo are Zords. They think they are heroes now but what they do is villainous. Their hearts are in the right place just they are villains that is what they are. The story does have a nice touch of humor.

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