Title: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers # 10
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Written by: Kyle Higgins
Illustrated by: Johnathan Lam
Colors by: Joana LaFuente
Letters by: Ed Dukeshire
The Ongoing Adventures of Bulk & Skull:
Written by: Steve Orlando
Illustrated by: Corin Howell
Colors by: Jeremy Lawson
Letters by: Jim Campbell
Cover by: Jamal Campbell
Morphin Variant Cover by: Goni Montes
Variant Cover by: Derek Charm
Action Figure Variant Cover by: Telmos Santos with packaging design by David Ryan Robinson
Villain Variant Cover by: Xermanico
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: out of 5 stars
Website: www.boom-studios.com
Comments: The Power Rangers are shown battling a monster. The work as a team and as they fight the narrator talks about what makes a hero. We see what makes a hero in the Power Ranger’s actions.
Poor Billy he is not feeling so much the hero. He does want to be and he trains so hard. He just has doubts as would anyone. You can not help feeling for poor Billy. You will be routing for him. He is like you or me just a person who thinks he is in over his head but really everyone else around him thinks he is doing just great. He just wants to be a little more than he is.
“The Ongoing Adventures of Bulk & Skull” Rita gives Bulk and Skull a monster and a vehicle to control it. This will surely lead to disaster. The art is done in a way to make everything look cute and non threatening. Even the giant monster in the background does not appear threatening even though we all know it is.
The Power Rangers this issue show us that no matter how much power they have they are still only human.