RICH REVIEWS: Medisin # 1

Title: Medisin # 1
Publisher: Action Lab Comics
Written by: Jeff Dyer and Mark McKeon
Art by: David Brame
Colors by: Joaquin Pereyra
Letters by: Adam Wollet
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: We see how badly a super villain can suffer in a fight. It is not a pretty sight.
Now years later a medical unit is formed to handle the injured villains in battle. Well someone has to.
There are so many super villains and heroes here. So, of course, they do fight a lot. Lots of battle scenes but they are not the focus, the injuries caused are. The villains here are who this medical unit are for.
The medical unit here is something new to comics. The dynamics of the team are something, unlike anything you have seen. The team is made up of doctors and a ship equipped with medical supplies and equipment.
The art is made to show the super villains and the heroes to a lesser extent but mainly it focuses on the medical team. The tie in with a past villain is a nice touch. The purpose for the team being formed is thoughtful and who formed it adds a touch of mystery.
Great characters that just need to be fleshed out more. This issue is a good start to the series.

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