Title: Martian Comics # 1
Publisher: Martian Lit
Writer: Julian Darius, Kevin Thurman
Artists: Sergio Tarquini
Colors: R.L. Campos
Letters: Colin Bell
Cover Art: Darick Robertson
Cover Colors: Diego Rodriguez
Price: $ 4.99 US (kindle)
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.martianlit.com
Comments: “I Dream of Mars!” Beautiful colors great the reader here. Also wondrous backgrounds.
One Martian girl seems sad and bored. This city and its people are filled with wonders. Izzy Montoya on Earth does dream of Mars and what she would be like there and how her imagination would make the city. This story though is full of surprises.
There is toplessness and sexual situations so this is a mature title.
The story does get interesting as we see the girl from Mars and Izzy are two different people. The way they are interacting is strange and weird but somehow it makes sense.
“Moving In” The Martian girl in Izzy’s body is enjoying her time as an Eathlian. Things do start to change.
“New Myths” Izzy and her sister have a interesting conversation. There are other situations occurring as well. So you are left wondering where is this all leading to.
“The Galilean” Here we take a look at Jesus. Was Jesus really an alien?
The whole story and the way it is presented is unique. It gives you an outlook of Mars and Earth and its people that you will not have ever had.