Title: Make Mine Indie # 2
Publisher: 01 Publishing
Fall 2016 Indie Creators: 01Publishing, Alterna Comics, Block F Comics, Brian Heier, Brian Perry, Cloud 9 Comix, Creative Elamentz, Different Mousetrap Press, Isle Squared, Jaunt Comics, Karate Pet Shop, K.M. Claude, Pod Comics, Source Point Press, Uni5i Comics, Wannabe Press, Warrior Innkeeper Creative, Will Lill Comics, Zero Press
Price: free digital
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.01publishing.com
Comments: Lots of comics are advertised in these pages. Plus there are many preview pages from various comics.
SoozWebb of Heavy Metal Horror Hub does a review of The Chair from Alterna Comics. The comic does sound like a great horror comic that will get your blood pumping.
Jovy Skol of Icons of Fright reviews Corktown # 1 from Alterna. Great review that makes you want to read this comic.
There is just so much great comic book art from many creators and companies you probably have not heard of before. Indie comics are worth seeking out. Any kind of comic book you are looking for you can find.
There are all variety of art styles as well each fitting to the story of the comic they go with.
Erica Freeman reviews Rikki. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi stars in this comic and it is an updated version. It sounds exciting.
SoozWebb of Heavy Metal Horror Hub does a review of Undad Vol. 1 & 2. Zombies re-imagined. Zombies are always good.
Carly Berkowitz reviews James Flamestar and the Stargazers. Music and comics are mixed together here.
So many comic book pages are in here from so many comics. It is a feast for your eyes.
Also Richard Vasseur that’s me did a review for Katrina Hates the Dead. It is highly recommended. I also interviewed Russel Nohelty the writer of Katrina Hates the Dead.
The feature story is Tapastic Redefining Webcomics by Paige Allen. Indie Webcomics are getting bigger and better.
As a source to learn more about indie comics this is a great magazine that you do not want to miss.