Title: Magdalena vol. 4 # 4
Publisher: Top Cow
Writers: Tini Howard & Ryan Cady
Artist: Christian DiBari
Colorist: Mike Spicer
Letterer: Troy Peteri
Cover A: Christian DiBari
Cover B: Atilio Rojo
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Website: www.topcow.com
Comments: The demon Marchosias is still free and powerful.
Maya the Magdalena in training gets free as well. So her and Patience are both after the demon and the sorcerer Weyer.
The art lacks definition. The fighting needs better poses to show it off.
Patience fighting Marchosias is anti-climatic. Than the two Magdalena’s join together to fight him. Maya stabs the demon with the spear. A lot of thought went into that stab the demon and win.
The ending to this series leaves it open. It kind of reminds you of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
The characters all needed to be used better. Expanding the Magdalena blood line is a great idea and opens it up for so many more stories.