Title: MacBeth (GN)
Publisher: Markosia Enterprises Ltd
Adapted from the play by: William Shakespeare
Adaptation: Petri Hanninen
Illustrated by: Petri Hiltunen
Price: $ 14.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Comments: This is a beautifully illustrated black and white book. There is a war going on. The battlefield we see is drawn to show off the harsh realities of war. The art is dark and uses lots of black to fill it out which does fit the story setting. Here to the main characters are introduced.
MacBeth and Banquo encounter three witches on their journey.
The art is visually stunning in its portrayal of the time period and for setting the overall mood. Macbeth in the shadows at times has an evil appearance.
We see clearly MacBeth’s indecision and Lady MacBeth’s pushing MacBeth. She is his driving force.
Macbeth finds the crown does not sit easily on his head. His men are a cruel and evil bunch. Their acts against others are not deserved. MacDuff and Malcolm these two together stand against MacBeth.
As the story progresses you can slowly see Macbeth losing his mind. He is obsessed with his being King and how he got to be King.
MacBeth and MacDuff have one intense sword battle that is written and drawn to perfection. It is not about fancy moves it is about fighting.
After the story, we are treated to a Fantasy Art Gallery. These pin-up style pages are from other works of Petri Hiltunen. They are beautifully rendered.
This comic delivers a true to the Shakespeare work. It also brings out dark times the story is set in and delivers one intense packed book.

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