Title: Lynx # 5
Publisher: G-Man Comics
Writer: Rik Offenberger
Artist: Alan Faria
Colorist: Teo Pinheiro
Letters: Mike W. Belcher
Cover: Alan Faria
Variant Covers: Stafani Rennee
Price: $ 10.00 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: Mateo and Maya are Lynx and their mission in this issue is to bring in a killer. This guy kills children. Senor Pinata a criminal is also informed this killer walks his streets. So Pinata wants him dead. Now Pinata is one colorful villain in his costume.
Maya is drawn with some big breasts that are very noticeable. There is a lovely butt shot. As she handles a few henchmen she is illustrated as a skilled and tough fighter. The shading on her mask shows off her lovely features.
The child killer has a young girl captive. His actions will make you hate him.
Pinata and Mateo both have the child killer. Now Mateo makes a decision here that could affect his life. Pinata does what we would all want to do with this child killer. It is an emotional moment. One that will make you feel for Mateo. You may feel he is not as much of a hero as you thought.
Mateo and Maya are unique as the two of them form Lynx. They share the name. As a team, they do work well together each complimenting the other. These cats have claws.

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