Title: Lumberjanes Gotham Academy # 6
Publisher: BOOM! BOX/DC Comics
Written by: Chynna Clugston Flores
Pencils by: Kelly & Nicole Matthews
Inks by: Jenna Ayoub
Colors by: Whitney Cogar
Letters by: Warren Montgomery
Cover: Natacha Bustos
Variant Covers: Kelly & Nicole Matthews, Carolyn Nowak
Lumberjanes Created by: Shannon Watters, Grace Ellis, Noelle Stevenson & Brooke Allen
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Websites: www.boom-studios.com , www.dccomics.com
Comments: The big skeleton monster is still on the loose and ready to attack. Rosie and the girls and boys show team work as they take on the skeleton monster.
Louise does finally get her sweet sixteen birthday party. Louise and all the others are free. The story talks about how much her parents loved her and tells us why she was under the spell and about the skeleton creatures. So all is explained.
The Lumberjanes and the students of Gotham Academy did have one wild adventure. It is great seeing all these characters together but there are a lot to keep track of. They are all fun boys and girls. More girls than boys of course.
All these young people will give you a taste of adventure with a few thrills and chills.