RICH REVIEWS: Lumberjanes # 30

Title: Lumberjanes # 30
Publisher: BOOM! Studios/BOOM! Box
Created by: Shannon Watters, Grace Ellis & Noelle Stevenson
Written by: Shannon Watters & Kat Leyh
Illustrated by: Carey Pietsch
Colors by: Maarta Laiho
Letters by: Aubrey Aiese
Cover: Kat Leyh
Variant Cover: Liz Suburbia
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: Mal and Ripley are missing. So the rest of the Lumberjanes are given a key to the always locked Peculiar Situations Weapons Cabinet. There is a Gorgon on the loose and they are going hunting.
The Gorgon’s name is Ligo. Diane one of the Lumberjanes is really the Goddess Artemis.
The art is great showing off all the characters and the monstrous and Greek mythology ones to.
The girls while searching realize a value lesson. That you should be who you are and not try to be someone else or let others try to make you into something you are not.
Molly shooting her bow and arrow does so wrong. She actually has the arrow below her hand that holds the bow. That is just so wrong to hold it that way. The artist should have researched how to properly use a bow.
The girls are left in one cliffhanger situation that will draw you back to see what happens.

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