Title: Lucy Dreaming # 1
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Created by: Max Bemis & Michael Dialynas
Written by: Max Bemis
Illustrated by: Michael Dialynas
Lettered by: Colin Bell
Cover by: Michael Dialynas
Variant Cover by: Jonas Goonface
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.boom-studios.com
Comments: Lucy loves to read and loves strong powerful women who take charge. Lucy is not happy with the rest of her life but reading is her escape. Then her imagination while dreaming kicks in or is it just a dream?
The art will leave you breathless. The characters are vividly illustrated bringing them to life. The spaceships are beautifully colored and designed with a futuristic look that will place you in the future in your mind’s eye as you gaze upon them. Lucy is such a beautifully/cute teenage girl.
In her dream, Lucy becomes a Princess battling evil forces. Only thing is it’s not quite just a dream. Something more is going on here, something bigger.
Lucy is a wonderful character so full of life even if she mostly hates life. Yes, Lucy is a teenage girl that you can identify with. From the moment you see her, you will be