Title: Long Lost Vol 2 # 1
Publisher: Scout Comics
Co-Creators: Matthew Erman & Lisa Sterle
Writer: Matthew Erman
Artist/Cover Artist: Lisa Sterle
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.scoutcomics.com
Comments: Francis and Piper find themselves in a dark place. You can tell they are scared and in this dark place they encounter something. Their encounter with it is strange and frightening. Now Piper is the tougher one and you can see she wants to protect her sister Francis.
Francis, when she gets out, is found by others who want to put her back. It takes another strong person to help her stay out of that dark place.
The art is dark and the settings are in dark places or at night. The sisters are drawn as two ordinary women, they just happened to get mixed up with the wrong place.
What has been going on in the town while the sisters were gone? This story is a mystery filled with many questions. What exactly is going on is one that will be haunting you.