Title: Little Girl # 4
Publisher: Devil’s Due
Written by: Pat Shand
Art by: Olivia Pelaez
Colors by: Fran Gamboa with J.C. Ruiz
Letters & Design by: Jim Campbell
Created by: Pat Shand & Olivia Pelaez
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.devilsdue.net
Comments: Abby May visits her adoptive parents. Her adoptive parents really loved her especially the father he went out of his way to look after her. Yet here we find out that maybe he was not as good as he should have been. What he did was wrong.
This adoptive father still loves Abby so much. She is so alone now yet here she gets something she needed to be able to move on. Her life was one of suffering so it fills your heart knowing she is happy.
This is a ghost story unlike anything before. The art is so amazing illustrating this little girl.
If your looking for a fast-paced horror story that will draw you right into the story and get you caring about the main character this will do that. Abby is violent yet she has her reasons. The ending of this series is very well done. Abby deserves it.