Title: Kimot Ren # 1
Publisher: Martian Lit
Written by: Julian Darius
Art by: Andre Siregar, Karl Jauslin, and Adolf Vollmy
Color by: Donovan Yaciuk
Letters by: Julian Darius and Steven Legge
Cover by: Andre Siregar with Colors by Donovan Yaciuk
Created by: Julian Darius and Andre Siregar
Price: $ 2.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.martianlit.com
Comments: “Mutiny” We open on the bridge of a spaceship that looks a lot like the Star Trek Enterprise. Except here Martians crew it.
There is a firefight between Martians and it is an exciting battle. The Martians all have four arms which are illustrated well.
“Four Minutes on the Ceiling” Tolek Ren and his robot are illustrated in a nicely done escape scenes.
“Philosophers Would Say” Tolek Ren the robot’s Master is injured. The robot does what it can to its injured Master which includes going into a human Earth town.
“Atmospheric Conditions” Robert and Henry find something in the Apothecary that does not belong there. They are surprised for sure.
“Blending In” Robert and Henry take the robot to a traveling show. The robot joins the show and we learn its name, Kimot Ren.
The robot is simply designed with smooth lines except at the joints. It looks amazing.
So the wild wild west gets a visit from a Martian and a Martian robot. It is an interesting mix of old west meets sci-fi one that you will want to see.