Title: Kamikaze Vol 2: Travel Friendly (GN)
Publisher: Moving Ink Media
Created by: Alan & Carrie Tupper
Story by: Alan & Carrie Tupper and Michael H. Harper
Written by: Carrie Tupper
Art by: Alan & Carrie Tupper and Havana Nguyen
Price: $ 15.00 US
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
Website: www.movinginkmedia.com, www.kamikazecomic.com, www.tapastic.com/series/kamikaze
Comments: “Prologue” Markesha delivered a bomb unknowingly and it blew. One man the one in charge lays dying while his second in command is now the one in charge. She wants Markesha.
“Act 1” Markesha is offered a job by Orson Stykes. She is a headstrong girl and does not want the job but needs it.
“Act 2” Audrey and Orson do run the organization whatever it is. Markesha and her dad get into an argument yet the one thing that you see is their love for each other. Markesha is hard pressed to accept the job offer. Her life is far from easy and this job could make it harder still.
“Act 3” Who are the Razors, who is a Coyote? Makesha is drawn as a cute nine-teen-year-old girl and she has a resolve about her that lets you know she never gives up.
“Act 4” In this chapter Audrey is now called Carmen why? No reason is given.
Markesha does finally take that job Orson offered her. Markesha is a young woman you will immediately like. Her inner strength shines.