Title: Jughead # 12
Publisher: Archie Comics
Story by: Ryan North
Art by: Derek Charm
Lettering by: Jack Morelli
Cover: Derek Charm
Variant Covers: Ben Caldwell, Ryan Jampole
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Website: www.archiecomics.com
Comments: Reggie won a bet and now the gang must do whatever he says.
The narrator adding words at the bottom of each page is a wonderful touch and so funny. You even get told not to read the comic unless you eat food to live. The narrative just keeps getting better and better.
Jughead takes a video that the Reggies made and well things get out of hand in a big way. Jughead is in so much trouble. Reggie and all of the gang are to say the least upset with him.
The art is good in the way it is updated but it is different from the original version.
Jughead is the center of it all though. Yes the world does revolve around him.