Title: John Carpenter’s Tales of Science Fiction: Vortex # 2
Publisher: Storm King Comics
Writer: Mike Sizemore
Pencils & Inks: David Kennedy
Colors by: Pete Kennedy
Lettering by: Janice Chiang
Cover Art: Tim Bradstreet
Edited by: Sandy King
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Website: www.stormkingproductions.com
Comments: Something is with these people it has invaded one of them. What exactly it is is a mystery and the threat level is extreme. The suspense scales up as the excite does to.
The illustrations are beautifully done to show a futuristic setting of sci-fi with a menacing setting. The story flows along like a sci-fi horror one pulling you in to its terrifying embrace.
The investigator from Mars has a nicely designed ship and he is determined to find out what happened and what caused the deaths.
As they investigate the mining facility on the asteroid, on the ship station Benson something dark and mysterious is happening and the crew will never be the same again.
The mystery and suspense will have you hanging on ever page waiting to see what comes next and hoping it is not for you.