Title: Jirni # 3
Publisher: Aspen Comics
Written by: J.T. Krul
Pencils & Inks by: Michael St A. Maria, Mauricio Campetella
Colors by: John Starr
Letters by: Micah Myers
Cover by: Michael St A. Maria/Colors by John Starr
Variant Covers: V. Ken Marion/Colors by Wes Hartman
Jirni Created by: J.T. Krul
Price: $ 3.99 US
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Comments: The word balloons are beautifully done and colored.
Ara, Kasper, and Tongo find themselves under attack in the air. It is a well thought out attack and one of our heroes pays a price.
Torinthal is in a teaching mood. He wants Luna Ara’s mother to obey his wishes without question. He teaches her a lesson in survival.
This issue things move slowly and the art does not show off the characters. The clouds do get show a few times and they are all well drawn. The monstrous flying creature is a frighting sight.
Bonus Story! featuring Aspen Mascots “Big Earll!” Writer Vince Hernandez, pencil & inks Joie Foster, colors Justice and letterer Micah Myers.
A worm and a bird with a broken time machine wonder through time. Here they encounter a herd of frogs. One frog is huge and wormier is scared out of his wits. These two Wormier and Griff are funny to watch their actions as they interact with each other.

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